Using AI to reduce incidents in the workplace
Discover how AI can revolutionize occupational health and safety (OHS) systems, making reporting and improving safety easier and more efficient.
What to Expect
Accidents are expensive. They damage morale, reduce productivity, and can result in civil and criminal legal proceedings. Most organizations try to prevent major accidents by investigating minor ones, along with near misses. But getting people to report events where there is little or no actual harm can be difficult, and using those reports to identify improvements in occupational health and safety (OHS) management is time-consuming. Can AI provide an effective short-cut?
The health and safety team at Marks & Spencer, a well-known British Retailer, believe it can. We’ll walk you through the arguments for using AI and other technologies as part of your OHS system. At the end, we’ll find out if M&S reduced unsafe behaviours.
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