Webinar summary
On our most recent webinar, we spoke with Bridget Leathley & Ken Wood about how AI can help promote a proactive safety culture. All of the panelists shared their expertise on the subject matter and provided diverse viewpoints on the key findings. Check out some of the key points discussed below:
What is safety culture?
The webinar starts off discussing the definition and understanding of safety culture within organizations. Ken emphasizes the importance of continuously strengthening safety culture rather than labeling it as "good" or "bad." He believes that safety culture is influenced by the overall organizational culture and that alignment is crucial for success. Bridget acknowledges the debate around whether safety culture is separate from organizational culture or not, but she emphasizes the need to focus on strengthening safety aspects within the existing culture. She highlights the importance of proactive approaches, such as seeking information about potential issues before they become near misses or accidents. The panelists also discuss different models, such as the Bradley curve, that can be adapted to suit individual organizations' needs. They stress the significance of engagement and care for employees, and Ken mentions the concept of adaptive work, which involves understanding how workers adapt their tasks to make them safe and efficient. This adaptive work can lead to proactive safety measures. Overall, the key takeaways revolve around continuously improving safety culture, aligning it with organizational culture, being proactive in identifying and addressing risks, and fostering engagement and care within the organization.
Transitioning to proactive safety culture
The panelists discuss the shift from reactive to proactive safety culture within organizations. The introduction of technologies, including AI and computer vision, is enabling this transition by augmenting existing health and safety practices. One important aspect discussed is the role of AI in promoting reporting and learning safety culture. Traditional barriers to reporting, such as difficult processes, lack of feedback, blame culture, and ineffective procedures, can be overcome through the use of AI. Bridget discusses how computer vision can provide clear insights into patterns and behaviors that deviate from desired safety standards, facilitating open conversations about the barriers faced by employees. Ken then talks about how establishing trust and demonstrating that AI is used for positive purposes are crucial in encouraging reporting and fostering a culture of care. While AI can enhance reporting, it is important to recognize that human input remains valuable for identifying certain safety issues. Ultimately the panelists all agree that the combination of AI technology, user-defined inputs, guidance from experts, and a focus on trust and psychological safety is the key to a proactive safety culture within organizations.
How AI promotes a proactive and learning safety culture
Ken emphasized the role of AI in providing safety managers with valuable data for reporting. As directors and executives focus on financial and sustainability indicators, having concise safety information becomes vital. Ken highlighted how AI can assist in benchmarking safety performance, comparing it with other industries and identifying areas for improvement. With AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly, it offers an advantage over traditional reporting methods. Bridget pointed out that AI can prioritize hazards, provide accurate location and timing information, and generate comprehensive reports that guide decision-making processes. Moreover, Ken emphasized that AI enables a transparent and honest exchange of data, changing the narrative around safety and fostering trust between safety professionals and workers. By leveraging AI's capabilities, organizations can engage in conversations with employees to understand their needs, address challenges, and foster a safety-conscious environment. Ultimately, as Dan concluded, AI can contribute to strengthening safety culture and reducing the risk of incidents, driving a positive shift in organizations' safety practices.

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