Glove Detection

Glove Detection


What is Glove Detection?

Glove detection is the process of determining whether or not a person is wearing gloves. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including visual inspection, infrared imaging, capacitive sensing, and the use of AI technologies. 

Glove detection technology is used in a variety of industries and applications, such as security, food handling, or healthcare. Gloves are an essential part of personal protective equipment, with workers required to wear them in facilities to protect themselves, as well as prevent contamination. 

The Use of AI for Glove Detection

As mentioned above, these techniques aren’t as reliable. In fast-paced, dynamic environments, companies can’t rely on infrared imaging, especially since temperatures vary quite a bit in facilities. 

Instead, they use computer vision and AI-powered cameras for glove detection. The AI algorithm can be trained to detect all types of gloves, and with the help of computer vision, it can detect when an employee is wearing them or not. 

Technologies such as computer vision and video content analysis are becoming increasingly popular and efficient, and can be used to ensure that employees take proper precautions.

The System Continues to Get More Accurate

The biggest benefit of using AI for glove detection is accuracy. Over time, the system continues to learn as more and more images are captured and fed in, allowing it to become more accurate. 

Over time, the system can detect gloves of all shapes and sizes, making it extremely accurate and ensuring that all employees wear protective gloves before they walk out on the floor. 

Instant Warnings

Glove detection with AI is also beneficial as it can immediately notify employees who aren’t wearing gloves and walk out on the floor. 

The AI cameras, trained using computer vision, can use facial recognition to send notifications to employees who aren’t wearing gloves, prompting them to immediately take corrective action. 

AI Glove Detection is Highly Scalable

Another key benefit of AI glove detection is scalability. The system doesn’t have to be independently installed as compared to traditional glove detection methods. 

Instead, it can be integrated into the company’s existing CCTV network, making it easier for larger enterprises which already have CCTV set up to take advantage of this added functionality. 

A visual processing box can be connected to the CCTV network, allowing it to detect glove the use of PPE, including gloves and other equipment, efficiently. 

Traditional Glove Detection Methods 

There have been other ways to detect the use of gloves in different industries, but these aren’t very scalable, or as accurate.  

The simplest method is visual inspection, where an observer looks to see if the person has gloves on or not. 

However, this method is not always reliable, as some gloves can be very close in color to skin tone. Additionally, observers can be distracted or otherwise not paying attention, which can lead to errors.

Another common method of glove detection is infrared imaging. In this approach, an infrared camera is used to take an image of the person's hands. The camera will detect the heat signature of the hands, which will be different if the person is wearing gloves or not. 

This method is generally more reliable than visual inspection but can be less accurate in certain conditions, such as when the temperature outside is very cold.

The issue with these techniques is that the upfront cost is considerably high, as an entirely new system has to be installed. Furthermore, the results aren’t always as accurate.