Proactive Safety
Powered by AI

24/7 unsafe event capture, revolutionizing how enterprise EHS teams make proactive safety decisions.


Promote A Data-
Driven Safety Culture

Creating a culture for positive safety data capture amongst workers can be tough.
Allow Protex AI to autonomously capture safety events custom to your work environment.
connect your ip cameras screen

Seamless Camera Integration

We provide a vision processing box that plugs into your local network, connects to your cameras, then processes and stores your data on-site.
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Plug and play install
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Automatic camera scan
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Secure on-prem processing
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Connects to all modern camera systems

Build Custom Safety Rules

Our AI workplace safety software leverages your EHS domain knowledge, allowing you to teach your cameras how to understand risk and danger in your facility.
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Drag and drop interface
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Easy to use
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Flexible safety rule creation
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Ability to update rules at any time

Digest & Filter Events

Our intuitive event log allows the user to seamlessly review non-compliant events across your entire workplace

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Filter events by camera, tag and rule
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Custom tagging of events
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Group actions on events
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Seamlessly share events with colleagues

Powerful Reporting & Dashboard Capabilities

Build comprehensive safety audit reports and use them alongside your manual safety audits to enhance the insights that you bring to your health and safety meetings.
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Evidence based reports
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Auto generated safety reports
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Flexible mark-down for write ups
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Tag stakeholders and share with your team

Implement Corrective Actions

Our storyboard functionality allows EHS teams to collaborate on learnings from safety hazards & events and implement corrective actions.
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Group similar themed events
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Add documents, actions and commentary
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Share with stakeholders
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Enable automatic email workflows

Promote A Data-
Driven Safety Culture

Creating a culture for positive safety data capture amongst workers can be tough.
Allow Protex AI to autonomously capture safety events custom to your work environment.

Always-On Safety Event Capture

24/7 auditing of CCTV footage to identify non-compliant events for evidence based reporting. 

Gain full visibility into risk in your facilities

Achieve seamless 24/7 autonomous event capture and auditing of CCTV footage, empowering you to proactively identify and address unsafe incidents within your facility.

Data Informed Decision Making

Gain visibility of risk in your workplace to help EHS teams make informed safety decisions and evaluate their outcomes.

Data Informed Decision Making

Gain visibility of risk in your workplace to help EHS teams make informed safety decisions, implement corrective actions and evaluate the outcomes.

Build your own Rules

Utilize your EHS teams' domain knowledge to build custom rules specific to your work environment.

Configurable to your site's unique needs

Utilize your EHS teams' domain knowledge to build custom rules specific to your work environment.

Revolutionize how you Identify Risk in your Workplace

Reduced incidents by 80% in 10 weeks

"Protex AI gives us total visibility over our risk profile, enabling the team to detect unsafe events when we are not on-site, tag recurring trends, and develop proactive training programs - positively changing the culture around safety in M&S."

HSE Specialist
Alice Conners

Protex AI Promoting Positive Change Across Your Workplace

24/7 Safety Audits

Get access to continuous safety audits to augment data from manual audits.

Configurable Rules

Simply configure the cameras to understand what risk means in your facility.

Video Evidence

Access video evidence of unsafe events to discuss in safety meetings.


Save time on intermittent audits & get the insights needed to do your job more efficiently.

Mitigate Costly Risks

Protex's proactive safety workflows help save cost on claims and disruption.

Document Trail

Access to full transparent document trail for evidence based safety reviews.

Data-Driven Insurance

Added leverage in insurance discussions Protex helps make risks more insurable.

Preserving Organisational

All processing is done on-site, which helps preserve privacy.

Guardian Angel

Work in the comfort of knowing that the Protex platform is helping your EHS team protect you.

Preserving Personal Privacy

The platform doesn't capture any personally identifiable information/use facial recognition.

Safer Workplace

A safer workplace means you can focus on your job and not the risk.

Check Out What our Forward Thinking Clients have to Say About Us

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Protex AI gives us total visibility over our risk profile, enabling the team to detect unsafe events when we are not on-site, tag recurring trends, and develop proactive training programs - positively changing the culture around safety in M&S.

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Alice Conners

HSE Specialist

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Protex saves us a lot of time by automatically collecting unsafe observations . It has helped us to understand unsafe behaviours and implement corrective actions to ensure they do not continue to happen in our facilities.

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Kyle Durward

Health and Safety Professional

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Protex AI helps us to generate regular reports, and with this data, these insights, we can make direct changes.  The biggest benefit, as I see it, is that we can prevent accidents before they actually happen, and by this, target a zero-incident policy.

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Christian Lundbak

Head of IT/BPO

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Protex AI helps us to generate regular reports, and with this data, these insights, we can make direct changes.  The biggest benefit, as I see it, is that we can prevent accidents before they actually happen, and by this, target a zero-incident policy.

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Christian Lundbak

Head of IT/BPO

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Protex AI solves a huge problem for our safety team. It's simply impossible to keep an eye on everything that happens throughout the day on the terminal floor. Protex AI allows us to not only keep an eye out for risk but will also allow us to understand any lapses in compliance.

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Mark Lawless

Operations Manager, DSG, Dublin Port

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Protex AI helps us to generate regular reports, and with this data, these insights, we can make direct changes.  The biggest benefit, as I see it, is that we can prevent accidents before they actually happen, and by this, target a zero-incident policy.

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Christian Lundbak

Head of IT/BPO

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Protex AI helps us to generate regular reports, and with this data, these insights, we can make direct changes.  The biggest benefit, as I see it, is that we can prevent accidents before they actually happen, and by this, target a zero-incident policy.

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Christian Lundbak

Head of IT/BPO

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Protex saves us a lot of time by automatically collecting unsafe observations . It has helped us to understand unsafe behaviours and implement corrective actions to ensure they do not continue to happen in our facilities.

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Kyle Durward

Health and Safety Professional

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Protex AI gives us total visibility over our risk profile, enabling the team to detect unsafe events when we are not on-site, tag recurring trends, and develop proactive training programs - positively changing the culture around safety in M&S.

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Alice Conners

HSE Specialist

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Protex AI solves a huge problem for our safety team. It's simply impossible to keep an eye on everything that happens throughout the day on the terminal floor. Protex AI allows us to not only keep an eye out for risk but will also allow us to understand any lapses in compliance.

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Watch now
Mark Lawless

Operations Manager, DSG, Dublin Port

Ask the Expert!

Below are some common questions our product experts have been asked by EHS professionals around the topic of AI safety. If you have any question in particular that you need answered please don't hesitate to contact us.

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How can AI help identify hazards and prevent them?

AI-powered predictive analytics can be used to detect patterns of risk over time by collecting data from various sources such as CCTV, wearables, or IoT devices. AI technology can also be used for real-time risk assessment in hazardous environments. This technology uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to analyze video streams from cameras installed in hazardous areas and detect any potential risks or unsafe behaviors that could lead to injury or illness. Another way AI helps with hazard prevention is through automated compliance monitoring. By using AI-powered systems such as natural language processing (NLP), organizations can automate the process of monitoring regulatory standards and requirements related to safety policies and procedures.

How to identify hazards in the workplace?

The first step in identifying workplace hazards is to conduct regular inspections of the area. This should include physical inspections as well as reviewing any relevant safety data, such as accident reports and near-miss incidents.This involves examining any potential exposure employees may have to hazardous materials or environments and taking steps to reduce that exposure.An assessment of potential psychological issues that employees may face must also be included. AI powered computer vision solutions integrate with CCTV infrastructures to help identify hazards autonomously across various working environments.

How do I prevent false positives in near miss reporting?

The first step in preventing false positives is clearly defining what constitutes a near miss. Your organization should have a working definition of the term and specific criteria for what qualifies as a near miss incident. In order for reporting systems to work properly and avoid false positives, employees need training on how to report an incident correctly. Another way to reduce false positives is by regularly reviewing errors in your reports. This means looking out for duplicates or inaccurately categorized incidents in your reports, identifying trends or patterns in reported errors, and taking corrective action where needed.

How to prevent workplace accidents and injuries?

The first step in preventing workplace accidents and injuries is establishing a clear safety policy. This policy should outline specific expectations related to safety, including how employees should behave while on the job. The next step is to identify potential risks in the workplace and to take appropriate steps to mitigate or control these risks. Employees must also receive adequate training for prevent any workplace accidents, thus reducing the likelihood of injuries.

How to prevent electrical accidents in the workplace?

One of the most important aspects of preventing electrical accidents is ensuring that all employees are educated on the potential dangers of electricity. It’s also important for employers to ensure that all electrical equipment is properly maintained and inspected on a regular basis. Employees should also be trained on proper use of any electrically-powered equipment they may encounter in their work environment. They should be aware of any safety features built into the machine such as ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) which can help prevent electrocution in case something goes wrong.

What are the tools used to identify hazards in the workplace?

Here are some common tools that can be used to identify hazards in the workplace: Risk assessment matrix: This tool helps EHS teams identify hazards and prioritize them based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. The matrix has two axes—one for identifying the severity of an accident, and the other for the likelihood of it happening.Job Safety Analysis: This method works by breaking down a job into its individual components and analyzing each step of the process for any potential risks or dangers that may exist.Checklists: EHS teams can also use a checklist to identify any major hazards. The checklist generally includes a series of points or questions that a supervisor or person in charge must go through.

What percentage of workplace accidents are preventable?

According to numerous research studies, up to 99% of accidents can be prevented. In 2021, the National Safety Council reported 4,472 preventable injury-related deaths.

Talk to our Product Experts Today